Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce Saga Continues
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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce Saga Continues: Allegations of Parental Alienation Emerge Amid Château Miraval Battle

In the fight between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for control of Château Miraval, a French winery they own together, things have become more intense with claims of sabotage in their relationship with six children. The two were formerly seen as Hollywood’s ideal pair but have been caught up in a harsh divorce since 2016 where both parties blame each other.

The newest part of the situation is about Brad Pitt saying that Jolie tries to poison his relationship with their children. This information comes from court papers submitted by Pitt’s legal group, as reported by Fox News Digital.

It says in these documents, which they got access to that a previous security guard named Tony Webb claimed Jolie told her kids not to “spend time” with him when he visits for custody reasons.

Jolie has faced accusations before for trying to harm the relationship between her children and Pitt. In 2021, Pitt received equal custody of their kids but later there were reports that Jolie was urging them not to spend time with their father

Jolie’s legal team rejected these accusations saying they are just tactics from Pitt for his winery argument. The winery dispute itself is a complex and contentious issue.

Pitt and Jolie got a majority share in Château Miraval during 2008, and they often stayed at the estate during their relationship. In 2021, Jolie tried to sell her firm Nouvel to Tenute Del Mondo which is part of Stoli Group. This resulted in the transfer of her 50% ownership stake at Miraval. However, Brad Pitt has disputed this sale saying it violated their contract agreement. The disagreement has caused a chain of law fights, where each group claims the other is involved in different kinds of bad behavior.

Pitt says Jolie is using non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) wrongly, to hide her claimed abuse of their children. On the other hand, Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of setting up a “vindictive campaign” for “looting” the lucrative business she filed divorce from in 2016. This legal fight has affected the couple’s kids too.

Their child Pax, in 2021, threw insults towards his father through an Instagram post saying that he is an “awful human being” and caused fear among the children. This post became a big news story and raised questions about how the ongoing legal fight impacts their kids. The claims of tampering with their relationship with the children have made this divorce even more complicated than it already was.

The kids of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are now becoming targets in the legal fight. Both sides blame each other for attempting to use them as tools. The winery argument is not the sole topic that has been highlighted in the law fight.

Pitt has accused Jolie of trying to sell her share in the winery without his permission, saying it breaks their contract. But she says she can do this because it is her right too. This fight in court also brings up issues about how the couple treats their children.

Also, in 2016 there was an accusation against Pitt about physical and emotional abuse of their children. He denied this claim when it came up because it was part of a countersuit made by Jolie who said he had been abusive towards the kids we have together. The legal fight between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is a complicated matter that has continued for many years

The claims about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on sabotaging in the relationship with their kids have increased the intricacy of this case, and we are yet to witness what direction this legal fight will take.